Main editor screen
This is the main editor screen. It is important to note that for some streets, especially in condominiums, the building search may not be entirely accurate. In such cases, you can manually move the marker on the map to indicate the exact location of the building; once done, data for that specific building will be retrieved. Clicking on the info icon located below the 'X' in the top-right corner allows access to the tutorial. The markers on the map show numbers representing the slopes; for space-saving, for example, 'Slope 1' is abbreviated to '1'.
Markers on the map
Various markers are visible on the map: the red marker indicates the building's location, while blue markers represent the different roof slopes. Each slope is numbered based on its orientation (South, East, West, North), providing a clear reference for easier identification and navigation. This distinction between the building (red marker) and slopes (blue markers) makes visualization more intuitive and allows for simpler and more efficient system configuration. To start the system configuration, you can select a slope from the list on the left, expanding it with a simple click. Once expanded, key details such as area, inclination, and elevation above sea level will be displayed. You can choose to include or exclude a slope at your discretion: if excluded, the slope will be removed from the map and cannot be configured (a future update will introduce the ability to recover it). When a slope is selected for configuration, the map will automatically center on it.
Pre-configuration data initialization